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Industry information

Temperature control and adjustment of flash dryer
Updatetime:2023-12-25 Clicked:197

1. Install supporting equipment such as hot air stove (or other thermal equipment), dust collector, induction fan, blower, etc. Check the fan, check if the blades are correct, check the air volume control valve and feeding adjustment plate, check if they are adjustable, and adjust them to the ideal position according to the design before manufacturing. After checking everything is correct, ignite the hot air stove, start the smoke exhaust fan, and later turn on the fan and motor to put the equipment in operation

2. Install supporting equipment such as hot air stove (or other thermal equipment), dust collector, induction fan, blower, etc. Check the fan, check if the blades are correct, check the air volume control valve and feeding adjustment plate, check if they are adjustable, and adjust them to the ideal position according to the design before manufacturing.

After checking everything is correct, ignite the hot air stove, start the smoke exhaust fan, and later turn on the fan and motor to put the equipment in operation.

3. Check the dashboard, wait for the air temperature to meet the requirements, promote materials, pay attention to a moderate feed rate, and adapt to the output. During the experiment, the air temperature at the outlet of the drying machine should be controlled between 80 ° C and 120 ° C. If the temperature is too high or too low, the feeding amount should be adjusted, and the motor of the machine should also be observed for rotation. If the machine is stopped and the amount of material stored in the machine is too large, it should be turned off in a timely manner.

For the convenience of calculating production, the general testing time is 1-2 hours. After the experiment, measure the moisture content of the material. If it does not meet the requirements, adjust the dryer, increase the heating volume, or adjust the speed of the feeder to increase the intake temperature.

5. After the feeding test is completed, the temperature should be lowered first. After the air temperature of the hot air stove drops to the standard value, the main engine and power should be turned off.


Copyright: Changzhou Yuanze Drying Equipment Co., Ltd
Address: Zhenglu Town Industrial Park, Tianning District, Changzhou City  Contact person: Zhang Xingqian
Phone: +86519-81182602  Fax: +86519-81182602  Website: www.yzdryer. com