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Industry information

Introduction to the working principle and characteristics of flash dryer
Updatetime:2023-12-25 Clicked:183

A fast rotating flash drying machine with fast drying efficiency, energy conservation, and environmental protection. It is equipped with a dedicated rotating flash drying machine, fast flash drying equipment, and fast flash drying equipment. The equipment is designed and produced by Changzhou Yuanze Drying Equipment Co., Ltd. It has excellent quality, good drying effect, and complete specifications. High heat transfer efficiency, compact structure, simple operation control, good drying product quality!

1. Working principle of flash dryer:
The hot air of the flash dryer enters the bottom of the dryer at an appropriate spraying speed through the inlet pipe and enters the mixing and crushing drying chamber, exerting strong shear, blowing and floating effects on the material. As a result, the material is subjected to centrifugation, shear, collision, and friction, resulting in particle formation and enhanced mass and heat transfer. At the bottom of the dryer, larger and wetter particle clusters are mechanically crushed under the action of the agitator. The moisture content is low, and smaller particles are carried up by the rotating airflow, further drying during the rising process. Due to the rotational flow between gas and solid phases, the inertia of the solid phase is greater than that of the gas phase, and the relative velocity between the solid and gas phases is higher, which enhances the heat and mass transfer between the two phases. Therefore, the production intensity of this machine is high.

2. Features of Flash Drying Machine:
(1) The flash dryer adopts dual duct tangential air inlet to ensure dynamic balance and avoid material accumulation.
(2) The flash dryer is equipped with a water jacket to prevent the coking and discoloration of heat sensitive materials.
(3) The main tower of the flash dryer is equipped with rotary flow plates to effectively control the final water content and fineness of the finished product.
(4) The drying airflow of the flash dryer enters the bottom of the drying chamber, generating a strong rotating airflow that strongly washes out the materials on the wall, eliminating the phenomenon of wall sticking.
(5) The discharge of the flash dryer adopts a closed fan and soft connection vibration discharge to prevent material accumulation in the collection system.
(6) The negative pressure operation of the flash dryer system suppresses running, emitting, dripping, and leaking.
(7) The flash dryer is equipped with a drainage outlet for easy cleaning.
(8) The flash dryer is equipped with a special feeder, which solves the problem of bridging and clogging of filter cakes, allowing materials to be evenly, quantitatively, continuously, and stably added to the dryer, solving the problem of difficult feeding of paste like materials.
(9) The key components of the flash dryer are easy to replace, and the key control parameters are adjustable to adjust the material retention time and meet the drying needs of multiple types of materials.

Copyright: Changzhou Yuanze Drying Equipment Co., Ltd
Address: Zhenglu Town Industrial Park, Tianning District, Changzhou City  Contact person: Zhang Xingqian
Phone: +86519-81182602  Fax: +86519-81182602  Website: www.yzdryer. com